When we hear the word 'Yoga' for many of us the vision of a warm, salty pretzel pops into our head. Yet, there is soo much more to Yoga, and you do not need to be able to fold up like a pretzel to do it! :)
My intent for starting this blog is to highlight postures (asanas) and the thoughts that are a part of my Yoga experiences. I am truly passionate about sharing Yoga with others, which is why I started my journey as a Yoga Instructor about six years ago. I love what I do!! And hope that I can continue to help others through my blog.
If you have looked at the picture, you are probably wondering 'why is she folded up like a pretzel then?' It's simple. Every individual's Yoga practice is going to be different. You don't have to be able to sit in Lotus Pose to do Yoga. The Untwisted is both physical and mental...
Thank you for joining me on this journey....